Keep Calm and Marry On: Navigating the Wedding Planning Maze

So, you're in love, you've decided to tie the knot, and now you've got what might feel like a million and one loose ends to tie up. Welcome to the often overwhelming whirlwind of wedding planning. If the mere thought of the to-do list is making your heartbeat race – slow down, take a deep breath, and let's break it down into do-able bits. Here's my top five tips for reducing wedding planning stress:

Get your friend and family involved in wedding planning to properly reduce the stress - they also take amazing group photos on the day!

Tip 1 - Delegate: Why Team Bride (or Groom!) Is Your New #1

Repeat after me: "I will not plan this wedding alone." Grab your partner (they signed up for this, too!), your closest friends, and the most 'on it' family members. Know their strengths and task them accordingly. Mum's got an eye for flowers (and isn't over-bearing), cousin Kate knows cake, and your best friend is queen/king of spreadsheets? Enlist them and trust the process.

Tip 2 - Stay True to You

This is your wedding, after all, not the glossy cover of a magazine. Trends are tempting, but forget the 'shoulds' and the overposed, editorial style that makes you go 'meh'. If you prefer an IPA over champagne, work that into your toast. If chinos and Jordans are more you than tails and patent leather, then that's your wedding attire sorted. Stay true to yourself, and you’ll find the whole process way more enjoyable and less overwhelming.

Embrace the unconventional, wear what you like and be yourselves and you'll be less stressed with the wedding planning

Tip 3 - Embrace the Unconventional

Who says you have to cut a cake or have a bouquet toss? Unshackle yourself from tradition and cherry-pick what truly feels like 'you two'. Create your own set of traditions or do away with them entirely. This isn't about following a script; it's about writing your own story. Your wedding is like a personal story, and I'm here to capture every authentic, off-the-cuff moment.

Tip 4 - Wedmin Wednesdays: Schedule the Unforgiving Date Nights

If you're like me, you probably have a gazillion things vying for your attention every day, and, forgive the stereotype, but people's brains do seem to teem over with more 'did I remember to do that?' than they ought to. Solution? Set aside a dedicated time each week to focus solely on the wedding planning. Linzi, over at Unconventional Wedding suggests mid-week and calls it Wedmin Wednesday and also recommends a dedicated email. “My top tip is to set up a separate wedding email, you can turn it off when you want to reduce the stress, just remember to check it regularly”. Trust me; your sanity will thank you.

Don't get lost in wedding planning, do the time sensitive tasks first.

Tip 5 - Get the Time-Sensitive Stuff Done First

Some things – like securing the venue and setting a date, booking a photographer, and finding an officiant (don't forget to consider a celebrant!)– are time-sensitive, they disappear quickly, so they need your attention before you even think about table settings. They're the foundation upon which the rest of your planning house is built. Nail these priorities, and the less critical decisions will naturally fall into place.

Wedding planning doesn't have to be a stress fest. By sharing tasks, being true to yourselves, throwing tradition to the wind when it doesn't suit, doling out the updates on a regular night, and prioritizing what has to be done by when, you're already on your way to a wedding that's as enjoyable to plan as it will be to attend.

Remember, it's a day to celebrate love, not to develop a headache over centrepieces. You've got this – so embrace the chaos and make it beautifully yours!


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An Unconventional Love Story: Natalie & Nathan's Two-Part Wedding Extravaganza – Cambridgeshire to Sheffield!